tailswish (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Perfect steak without touching a grill. |
The following is the quick and easy steak-cooking method that I learned from Alton Brown. It has served me well, and now it's your turn to enjoy a perfect, medium-well steak.
First, set your oven to 500 degrees (don't use the broiler) and put a cast iron skillet in there to heat. Don't lube it, just throw it in.
Let it heat for 10 minutes, and set one of your burners to high.
Fetch your steak, in my case a 3/4" to 1" thick ribeye. Pat it dry with paper towel. Using kosher salt (this is important. Table salt is too wimpy) sprinkle a heavy pinch on each side of your steak. If pepper isn't a phobia of yours, grind some onto each side of the slab as well.
Then use canola (or peanut or safflower) oil to give the steak a glisten. Just dribble a few drops on the steak, flip it over, rub it around on the plate you're using, flip and repeat. You just want a bit of a glisten on it.
Move your skillet from the oven to the burner (You will be tempted to touch the skillet's handle with your bare hand, out of habit. Restrain thyself!) but don't turn off the oven. Give the skillet 5 minutes on the burner to heat further.
Lay your steak in the skillet, and don't touch it for 30 seconds. Flip with tongs, (piercing it with a fork would allow juices to escape) and wait 30 seconds more.
Transfer the entire skillet into the oven, and let the steak cook two minutes before flipping it. Cook two more minutes, then remove the skillet from the oven. (If you want your steak rare, this is the point where you'd reduce the cooking time. Start by taking off 30 seconds from each side's cooking time.)
Take your steak and perch it on a small up-turned plate/saucer atop a larger plate. This will let the steak drain. If you're worried about it cooling off, cover the whole ensemble with tin foil.
Let the steak rest thusly for at least 3 minutes. Why? It allows the juices (which the intense heat has disturbed) to redistribute. If you cut into it right away, juices will just pour out and puddle around your steak.
You won't need any sauce, or at least, I didn't. Delicious. What's that? You want an easy baked potato? 'Kay.
Take your russet (the big, brown, classic-looking kind) potato/potatoes, and go psycho on them with a fork, stabbing them all over. Then, roll them around in a bowl with a bit of oil in it (canola works, or olive oil, but not extra virgin) and sprinkle on kosher salt and if you like, garlic salt. Place these beauties directly on the rack in your 350 degree oven and bake for one hour.